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Meals (12mo-12yr olds)

All parents pack a lunch with an ice pack in their child's lunchbox. All lunches should be prepared and packed in a single reusable container to reduce waste and allow for easy access for picnics outside. We do not have the ability to heat any meals. Learn & Grow is a NUT Free school. Due to peanut and tree nut allergies, please refrain from sending any type of nut based products including almond milk. We are happy to discuss alternative options. Afternoon snacks are provided by Learn & Grow. If your child has any food allergies or diet restrictions, parents will need to provide all food and drinks with a signed note.


Outdoor Play

Children will have the opportunity to play and explore outside as long as weather permits. Please dress your child accordingly. All children are expected to go outside. We will go outside with temperatures between 32 and 95 degrees rain or shine! :) 


Rest Time

The state requires that there be a quiet nap time each day for the children. Our school wide nap time is between 12-2 pm. L&G provides all blankets and sheets for nap time. We take care of washing them weekly and as needed. 



All baby parents must provide formula/breast milk, baby food, diapers and baby wipes. L&G provides all bibs, burp rags, and sheets for napping. If your child runs out of any items needed, you will be notified in a timely manner. All children should have an extra change of clothes or two on site. Please label everything.


Clothing/Personal Belongings

Children need to wear closed-toed, skid resistant shoes. Shoes with heels (boots, dress shoes) are not conducive to play on the terrain of our playground or for indoor play. Tennis shoes are required. L&G is not responsible for the loss of personal items. Toys brought from home are prohibited unless their class is having show and tell day. 

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